SPIR-V interpreter and dynamic analysis framework
talvos::BindingInfo | Structure holding information about a descriptor binding |
talvos::Block | A block of instructions ending with a termination instruction |
talvos::Memory::Buffer | An allocation within this memory instance |
talvos::Command | This class is a base class for all commands |
talvos::BeginRenderPassCommand | This class encapsulates information about a begin render pass command |
talvos::BlitImageCommand | This class encapsulates information about a blit image command |
talvos::ClearAttachmentCommand | This class encapsulates information about a clear attachment command |
talvos::ClearColorImageCommand | This class encapsulates information about a clear color image command |
talvos::CopyBufferCommand | This class encapsulates information about a copy buffer command |
talvos::CopyBufferToImageCommand | This class encapsulates information about a copy buffer to image command |
talvos::CopyImageCommand | This class encapsulates information about a copy image command |
talvos::CopyImageToBufferCommand | This class encapsulates information about a copy image to buffer command |
talvos::DispatchCommand | This class encapsulates information about a compute kernel launch |
talvos::DrawCommandBase | This is an abstract base class for draw commands |
talvos::DrawCommand | This class encapsulates information about a draw command |
talvos::DrawIndexedCommand | This class encapsulates information about an indexed draw command |
talvos::EndRenderPassCommand | This class encapsulates information about an end render pass command |
talvos::FillBufferCommand | This class encapsulates information about a fill buffer command |
talvos::NextSubpassCommand | This class encapsulates information about a next subpass command |
talvos::ResetEventCommand | This class encapsulates information about a reset event command |
talvos::SetEventCommand | This class encapsulates information about a set event command |
talvos::UpdateBufferCommand | This class encapsulates information about an update buffer command |
talvos::WaitEventsCommand | This class encapsulates information about a wait events command |
talvos::ComputePipeline | This class encapsulates a compute pipeline |
talvos::DescriptorElement | Structure used to hold information about an element of a descriptor array |
talvos::Device | A Device instance encapsulates properties and state for the virtual device |
talvos::Dim3 | Class representing a 3-dimensional size or ID |
talvos::EntryPoint | This class represents a shader entry point |
talvos::ModuleBuilder::EntryPointSpec | |
talvos::PipelineExecutor::Fragment | Internal structure to hold fragment data |
talvos::Framebuffer | This class represents a framebuffer that can be used for rendering |
talvos::Function | This class represents a function in a SPIR-V Module |
talvos::GraphicsPipeline | This class encapsulates a graphics pipeline |
talvos::Image | This class represents an image object |
talvos::ImageView | This class represents a view into a range of image subresources |
talvos::Instruction | This class represents a SPIR-V instruction |
talvos::Invocation | This class represents a single execution of a SPIR-V entry point |
talvos::Memory | This class represents an address space in the virtual device |
talvos::Module | This class represents a SPIR-V module |
talvos::ModuleBuilder | Internal class used to construct a Module during SPIRV-Tools parsing |
talvos::Object | This class represents an instruction result |
talvos::PipelineContext | This class encapsulates pipeline state and bound resources |
talvos::PipelineExecutor | An internal class that handles pipeline execution, including the interactive debugger |
talvos::PipelineExecutorKey | Only allow Device objects to create PipelineExecutor instances |
talvos::PipelineStage | This class encapsulates information about a pipeline stage |
talvos::Plugin | Base class for Talvos plugins |
talvos::PipelineExecutor::PointPrimitive | Point primitive data, used for rasterization |
talvos::PtrMatrixLayout | Structure to describe the memory layout of a matrix |
talvos::Queue | This class represents a queue for executing commands on a device |
talvos::RenderPass | This class represents a Vulkan render pass |
talvos::RenderPassInstance | This class represents an instance of a render pass being used for drawing |
talvos::PipelineExecutor::RenderPipelineState | State to be carried through the execution of a render pipeline |
talvos::SampledImage | A combination of an image and a sampler used to access it |
talvos::Sampler | This class represents a sampler object |
talvos::Invocation::StackEntry | A data structure holding information for a function call |
talvos::Subpass | This structure describes the attachments used by a subpass |
talvos::Image::Texel | This class represents a single texel with four 32-bit component values |
talvos::PipelineExecutor::TrianglePrimitive | Triangle primitive data, used for rasterization |
talvos::Type | This class represents a SPIR-V type |
talvos::Variable | This class represents a module-scope variable declaration |
talvos::Vec4 | |
talvos::PipelineExecutor::VertexOutput | Outputs from a vertex shading stage |
talvos::Workgroup | This class represents a workgroup executing a compute command |