| ImageView (const Image &Img, VkImageViewType Type, VkFormat Format, VkImageSubresourceRange Range) |
| Create an image view. More...
uint32_t | getBaseArrayLayer () const |
| Returns the base array layer of the image view. More...
uint32_t | getBaseMipLevel () const |
| Returns the base mip level of the image view. More...
uint32_t | getDepth (uint32_t Level=0) const |
| Get the depth of the image view at the specified mip level. More...
VkFormat | getFormat () const |
| Returns the format of the image. More...
uint32_t | getHeight (uint32_t Level=0) const |
| Get the height of the image view at the specified mip level. More...
const Image & | getImage () const |
| Returns the image that the image view corresponds to. More...
uint32_t | getNumArrayLayers () const |
| Returns the number of array layers in the image view. More...
uint32_t | getNumMipLevels () const |
| Returns the number of mip levels in the image view. More...
uint64_t | getTexelAddress (uint32_t X, uint32_t Y=0, uint32_t Z=0, uint32_t Layer=0, uint32_t MipLevel=0) const |
| Returns the address in memory of the texel at the specified coordinate. More...
VkImageViewType | getType () const |
| Returns the type of the image view. More...
uint32_t | getWidth (uint32_t Level=0) const |
| Get the width of the image view at the specified mip level. More...
bool | is1D () const |
| Returns true if this image view corresponds to a 1D image. More...
bool | is2D () const |
| Returns true if this image view corresponds to a 2D image. More...
bool | is3D () const |
| Returns true if this image view corresponds to a 3D image. More...
bool | isCube () const |
| Returns true if this image view corresponds to a cube map. More...
void | read (Image::Texel &T, uint32_t X, uint32_t Y=0, uint32_t Z=0, uint32_t Layer=0, uint32_t MipLevel=0) const |
| Read a texel from the image view at the specified coordinate. More...
void | write (const Image::Texel &T, uint32_t X, uint32_t Y=0, uint32_t Z=0, uint32_t Layer=0, uint32_t MipLevel=0) const |
| Write a texel to the image view at the specified coordinate. More...
This class represents a view into a range of image subresources.
Definition at line 178 of file Image.h.