VertexBindingMap VertexBindings
The vertex bindings.
DescriptorSetMap GraphicsDSM
The descriptors for draw commands.
void bindComputeDescriptors(const DescriptorSetMap &DSM)
Bind descriptor sets used for compute commands.
std::vector< VkRect2D > Scissors
The scissor rectangles.
uint8_t PushConstantData[PUSH_CONSTANT_MEM_SIZE]
Push constant data.
std::vector< VkViewport > Viewports
The viewports.
std::map< uint32_t, talvos::DescriptorSet > DescriptorSetMap
Mapping from set numbers to descriptor sets.
const GraphicsPipeline * GraphicsPL
The graphics pipeline.
void clear()
Clear the pipeline context.
This class encapsulates a graphics pipeline.
This file declares the GraphicsPipeline class.
const std::vector< VkViewport > & getViewports() const
Returns the static viewports used by this pipeline.
This file declares the PipelineContext class and related typedefs.
void bindVertexBuffer(uint32_t Binding, uint64_t Address)
Bind a vertex buffer.
void bindComputePipeline(const ComputePipeline *PL)
Bind a compute pipeline.
void bindGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipeline *PL)
Bind a graphics pipeline.
void bindGraphicsDescriptors(const DescriptorSetMap &DSM)
Bind descriptor sets used for draw commands.
static const uint32_t PUSH_CONSTANT_MEM_SIZE
The number of bytes used for push constant data.
const std::vector< VkRect2D > & getScissors() const
Returns the static scissor rectangles used by this pipeline.
DescriptorSetMap ComputeDSM
The descriptors for compute commands.
void setPushConstantData(uint32_t Offset, uint32_t NumBytes, const uint8_t *Data)
Set push constant data.
This class encapsulates a compute pipeline.
const ComputePipeline * ComputePL
The compute pipeline.