Talvos command files

The talvos-cmd command consumes a Talvos command file, which uses a handful of simple commands to describe the SPIR-V shader that should be executed.

For a complete example demonstrating several of these commands, see SPECIALIZE. The internal test suite used by Talvos developers also contains many examples.


Commands and arguments are case-sensitive. Using the # character will mark the rest of that line as a comment.

Where a command takes a <type> argument, the type can be one of the following:



BUFFER <name> <size> <initializer...>

Allocate a storage buffer that is <size> bytes. The identifier <name> can be used to refer to the allocation in DESCRIPTOR_SET and DUMP commands.

The initializer can be one of the following:

# Fill the buffer the value <value>
FILL <type> <value>

# Fill the buffer with a series starting at <start>, incrementing by <inc>
SERIES <type> <start> <inc>

# Fill the buffer with the contents of a file
BINFILE <filename>

# Specify values for the contents of the buffer
DATA <type> <values...>


DESCRIPTOR_SET <d> <b> <a> <name>

Associate the buffer <name> with descriptor set <d>, binding <b>, array element <a> for the next command dispatched.


DISPATCH <x> <y> <z>

Dispatch the current SPIR-V shader, with the three integer arguments specifying the number of groups to launch in each dimension.


DUMP <type> <name>

Dump the buffer <name>, interpreting its contents using <type>. In addition to the types listed above, the command also accepts RAW to display raw hexadecimal data. The scalar data types can also be suffixed with vN to display the data as vectors of length N.


ENTRY <name>

Set the name of the SPIR-V entry point to be used for all subsequent dispatches.


LOOP <n>

Repeat the commands enclosed in the region <n> times.


MODULE <filename>

Load a SPIR-V module from file and use it for all subsequent dispatches. The filename provided can either be a SPIR-V binary or a human-readable disassembled SPIR-V module produced by spirv-dis.


SPECIALIZE <spec_id> <type> <value>

Set the value of the specialization constant with id <spec_id> to <value>, interpreting it using <type>. This affects any subsequent DISPATCH commands. In addition to the types listed above, the command also accepts BOOL to set the value of OpSpecConstantTrue and OpSpecConstantFalse instructions, where <value> should be 0 or 1.


This example runs several iterations of an N-Body simulation. The SPIR-V assembly file that works with this example can be found here.

MODULE nbody.spvasm
ENTRY nbody

# Initialize the positions using specific floating point values.
BUFFER positionsIn   128   DATA FLOAT
  86.52     0.00   -94.33  1
   4.49  -127.48   -10.59  1
-103.63   -21.64   -71.95  1
 114.35    34.82    45.79  1
 -27.18   -57.11   111.28  1
 -95.14    85.48     4.97  1
  22.78   -40.85  -119.15  1
 120.63    42.12     7.60  1

# Initialize the output positions and velocities buffers with zeros.
BUFFER positionsOut  128   FILL FLOAT 0
BUFFER velocities    128   FILL FLOAT 0

# Set other parameters used in the simulation.
BUFFER numBodies     4     DATA UINT32   8
BUFFER softening     4     DATA FLOAT  100
BUFFER delta         4     DATA FLOAT   50

# Set descriptor set values.
DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 2 0 velocities
DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 3 0 numBodies
DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 4 0 softening
DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 5 0 delta

# Run the shader in a loop.
# Each loop iteration launches the shader twice, swapping the position
# buffers each time.
  DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 0 0 positionsIn
  DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 1 0 positionsOut
  DISPATCH 2 1 1

  DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 0 0 positionsOut
  DESCRIPTOR_SET 0 1 0 positionsIn
  DISPATCH 2 1 1

# Dump the final positions to stdout.
DUMP FLOATv4 positionsIn